Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Amelia Earhart - 'Lady Lindy'

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was called 'Lady Lindy' because of her resemblance to Charles Lindbergh (another famous aviator).
Earhart never wanted to wear the proper flying gear - instead she wore a dress or a suit. She was born on July the 24th, 1897 and dies on January the 5th, 1939. She went missing while flying.
Earhart was the first female pilot (known as an aviatrix) to fly straight across the Atlantic and she was the first person to fly both oceans. The transatlantic flight to 14 hours and 56 minutes. Amelia was 34 years old when she did this.

Amelia was homeschooled with her sister until the age of 12. Then she went to school.

What happened to Earhart on her final flight remains a mystery to this day.